Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Sneaking a nip here and there

Earlier today I shared a few tweets with the world renown comedian Josh Wolf ( @joshwolfcomedy ). You've all experienced his comedy stylings on the E Network show, Chelse Lately. He's the guy Chelsea and crew call out as "the good looking one."  Easily recognized by his signature baseball hat turned backwards and rugged good looks. Not that there is anything wrong with that. I'm just saying...

Anyway, I wanted to make sure he was that dude on Chelsea, so I googled him.  The first link I clicked was this one where he talks about a lesson he taught his teenage son. 

The physics of vodka: http://www.imdb.com/video/hulu/vi3893953049/

Watching the video reminded me of when I was barely a teenager, my brother and I use to sneak a sip and ilute the alcohol in "the liquor cabinet." We were young and impetuous kids, trying to get away with little nip here and there.  We would only take, the alleged, nips from the special bottles.  The expensive stuff our parents would pull out for special occasions.

At the time we thought it was funny when these people would take sips of these exotic tequilas and vodkas and comment on how smooth they are and: how they couldn't even taste the alcohol.  WE thought that was hilarious!  Hahaha, probably not so funny now, if they only knew... There were a few instances where I can remember my mother saying, "I think this has gone bad!"  It looks cloudy, with white stuff floating in the bottle. There were a few times when they opened the bottle and OUCH it smelled like crap!

Unfortunatley, what we didn't know then... but I know now is, that when you dilute liquor past a certain point the contents of the bottle change. Strange things begin to grow in there. Much like the physics of vodka changes and it can mysteriously freeze from diluting.  Also, bacteria can grow in a bottle that contains mostly water instead of the original spirits.

I never told anyone that story.  No one knew back then what we were up to. To make amends, I want to share some knowledge with parents they can benefit from.

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