Monday, March 8, 2010

Why would I think you would want to know?

Everyone, at one time or another, has had an experience where if they had known better, they probably would have done things differently. That knowledge would have influenced their decisions, forever altering the outcome of influential events in their lives. "If I knew then... What I know now."

The idea came to me a long time ago. At one point I actually wanted to write a book titled "If I knew then what I know now." I have A.D.D., so that's not gonna happen. What I want to with this blog, is to have a place where we document and share those, life changing, experiences of when someone says or thinks "if I knew then... what I know now."

As best I can remember, as a kid I was afforded an opportunity to accompany my father, from New Orleans to Miami, on one of his business trips. We spent the week meeting with his Florida based, South American business contacts (no, he wasn't a drug dealer). I was impressed to find out, these associates of his, were the presidents and CEOs of large shipping companies. As a teenager, at the time, I was old enough to know my father was a VP at his company; but not old enough to care one way or the other. All I knew was, he's my dad, he happens to be one of the Vice Presidents working at this compay were we hang out at after school.

While sitting in on one of the meetings, I realized something extraordinary, these guys were literally up my dad's ass! They were seriously brown nosing him. Wow, my dad was some sort of a big shot! Who would have known???

I'm not sure what it was, but they knew something I didn't know. They were so obvious, it was embarrassing  We were wined (not me) and dined at swanky country clubs for lunch and five star restaurants, like "The Forge" for dinner. We were provided with a car and driver to take us from the hotel to wherever we wanted to go. I wasn't compaining, I'm just saying...

OK, let's get to the point! Don't ask me why, but around the third day, it occured to me that I could probably do whatever I wanted. So I decided to pick these guys brains. I asked them things like, hiring a college graduate versus someone without a degree; and if it's important to speak mulitple languages. I also asked stuff about dealing with foreign companies and politics. I'm sure I asked a bunch more; but you get the point. Eventually, I asked (I am sure, not in these exact words) "If you could give me advice today that could help me in the future, what would that be? Something that you now know, that you might not have known when you were younger. That thing you wish you would have known to where you would have done things differently. DUH! "If I knew then, what I know now"

Most of them gave the patent response of "wish I would have payed attention in school" or "I wouldn't have voted for Nixon" and "why do you ask such stupid questions?" plus "I wish I would have listened to whatever, blah blah blah." What I remember most is what the gentlemen said, who answered me by starting off with, "well... if I knew then, what I know now. He then began explaining about how if he would have listened to everyone and used a condom. How certain things in his life would have turned out differently. (use your imagine to fill in the blanks).

With this blog, I want people to share those experiences we have of knowing the outcome of decisions we've made. If I knew then... (that thing which would have made a difference, before a specific even) What I know now. (the result of what you now know, after it happened)

If you've ever heard someone say hindsight is 20/20, then you know what I mean.  I want to avoid ever saying that in my future and the future of others. Please share your insight into experiences that have altered your life for the better or worse, so that future generations may benefit from this knowledge.

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